Coming up
- Fri
14 - Sat
15 - Sun
16 - Mon
17 - Tue
18 - Wed
19 - Thu
05:30PMVida the Vet E9 -辛尼的獸醫訓練 / 小諾搖動的牙齒 Now
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMMedicine Online E457 -人生必修課 (二): 一路好走
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E98 -來港回味
08:00PMGourmet Insights E189 -「Feel」出新意 - 香芒酸辣鳳爪 / 話梅豬腳
08:30PMGerman Pool Presents: Knight Flower E18
09:30PMUA Presents: Goal to Success E5 -首場友誼賽
10:30PMOne Trip Dating E10 -最美女神Day2- 進擊的海陸空約會
11:00PMRun4fun E10 -日本福岡 (II)
11:30PMTalker - One Beside You 3 E382 -足球教練姨丈分享靈異經歷
11:55PM3 mins Enews E1063
12:00AMThe Escape of the Seven: Resurrection (Bilingual) E2
01:00AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1255
01:30AMJinxed at First E8
02:30AMLate News
03:00AMGerman Pool Presents: Knight Flower E18
04:00AMTalker - One Beside You 3 E382 -足球教練姨丈分享靈異經歷
04:25AM3 mins Enews E1063
04:30AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1255
05:00AMThe Double E22
06:00AMMorning News
08:00AMBest Flying Furries BFF E5 -港毛孩遇上德國訓練班
08:30AMDesiring a Good Life E17 -南沙 Herbert
09:00AMEarth to Luna Season 8 E7 -寫出來 / 掌控一切
09:30AMNBA 24/25 -Los Angeles Lakers vs Denver Nuggets[Live]
12:00PMNoon News
12:30PMMa Pak Leung Presents: Wish you good health E77 -扁桃腺發炎
01:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB E256 -嘉賓: 黃妍、力臻、Michael C
02:30PMIn Love with their own Hong Kong S2 E2 -本地刺繡設計師 - Stephanie Kwok
03:00PMTravel Freshman E3 -越南之旅 (III)
03:30PMDoctor Animal E4 -高齡貓犬宿敵!關節炎!
04:00PMWay to Champion E31 -中國香港棒球代表隊成人組運動員 陳思宇
04:30PMRicky Zoom S2 E5 -衝鋒直升機和 pizza / DJ是司令
04:55PMWonderful Precure! E45 -永遠都是朋友
05:25PMFun-tastic World Explorers E10 -印度
05:55PMBiliteracy and Trilingualism in Hong Kong E1
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMNow Forum E853
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMTOKUSON: Life Hacks! S4 E19
08:00PMBrick da house E29 -家中一點藍
08:30PMThe Popcorn Show 3 E18 -《逃出災難紀》岑珈其、沈殷怡、徐㴓喬、吳啟洋
09:30PMTao Ti Saturday Movie: Far Far Away
11:45PMCaptain Tsubasa Season 2, Jr. Youth Arc E24 -雨中的加時賽
12:15AMThe Couples’ Gambit E1 -凍結婚姻
01:15AMMarriage With A Fool
03:15AMSupper On Time E10 -越南牛油雞翼
03:30AMThe Culture Book E22 -粵劇 (II)
04:00AMLet's talk about future E28 -新聞主播
04:30AMGreen Finder E30 -生活書院 (I)
05:00AMDesiring a Good Life E17 -南沙 Herbert
05:30AMTOKUSON: Life Hacks! S4 E19
06:00AMMorning News
08:00AMTokyo Quest E6 -歌舞伎町牛郎店
08:30AMHome Field Goal E1 -帶你到 「車路士」主場 - 史丹福橋球場
09:00AMAll for One E98 -BMX教練
09:30AMBandai Presents: KINGOHGER E42 -拉古列斯國王的秘密
10:00AMThe Culture Book E22 -粵劇 (II)
10:30AMTaste Hunter E5 -台灣-鮮
11:00AMBandai Presents: Kamen Rider GOTCHARD E29 -這個村子在哭泣
11:30AMSound and Vision S7 E16 -我們都是平庸的人
12:00PMNoon News
12:30PMMiss Goodviu E4 -「背面」選美比賽
01:00PMSTEM By You E22 -Virus 病毒
01:30PMUnhumble Cooking E3 -藍龍蝦
02:00PMLook Up E3 -新竹彌勒大道/彌勒佛神像篇
02:30PMTakeshis Medical Check-up Show E248
03:30PMInfinite Team E3 -夾公仔
04:00PMThe Smurfs E63 -畫家畫蛋的奇遇
04:25PMBeyblade X Season 2 -必勝不敗
04:55PMPJ Masks S3 E21
05:20PMJoin Us After School! E36 -場景模型
05:50PMOffBeat 360 E10
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMNow Forum E854
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMnow Report E446 -「網」開一面?
08:00PMGYM Room Stories E9 -女性專屬
08:30PMMa Pak Leung Presents: Wish you good health E78 -嗜睡症
09:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB E257 -嘉賓: 黃妍, Wendy suen, 洪嘉豪, 鄧小巧, 馮允謙
10:30PMP1X3L 5G LEVEL UP E15 -P1X3L 5G Fashion Show
11:30PMA Happy Itinerary E10 -吳君如
12:15AMbe ON game Season 2 E10 -膠族學園陣地爭奪戰
01:15AMLong Time No See Yamanote Line E13 -秋葉原二次元文化
01:30AMLoneliness Can Kill E4 -左撇子 (II)
02:30AMIn Love with their own Hong Kong S2 E2 -本地刺繡設計師 - Stephanie Kwok
03:00AMHome Field Goal E1 -帶你到 「車路士」主場 - 史丹福橋球場
03:30AMWay to Champion E31 -中國香港棒球代表隊成人組運動員 陳思宇
04:00AMSound and Vision S7 E16 -我們都是平庸的人
04:30AMSTEM By You E22 -Virus 病毒
05:00AMAll for One E98 -BMX教練
05:30AMInnovative Teen E97 -茶葉 (I)
06:00AMMorning News
09:00AMLet's talk about future E28 -新聞主播
09:30AMTrading Hour
11:00AMInvest Smarter E218
11:30AMChefs VS Picky Eaters E12 -大家庭(下)
12:00PMNoon News
12:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1256
12:55PM3 mins Enews E1063
01:00PMA for Athletes -攀石
01:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E98 -來港回味
02:00PMMy Perfect Stranger E7
03:00PMTrading Hour
04:00PMGourmet Insights E189 -「Feel」出新意 - 香芒酸辣鳳爪 / 話梅豬腳
04:30PMSuper Wings S7 E16 -反斗美人魚 / 穿越時空的纜車: 上集
05:00PMSuper BOOMi S2 E2
05:30PMCare Bears: Unlock the Magic S1 E11 -好大聲 / 輕鬆一點歡歡
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMGreen Finder E31 -生活書院 (II)
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E99
08:00PMGourmet Insights E190 -慳啲啦Foodie - 法式奶香蘋果燉雞 / 脹卜卜沙白釀蝦滑
08:30PMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E1
09:30PMUA Presents: Goal to Success E6 -第一次淘汰
10:25PMfoodpanda Presents: What If Making of E1 -三命與命運
10:30PMOne Trip Dating E11 -最美女神Last Day - 峇里狂舞派
11:00PMRun4fun E11
11:30PMTalker - Queen of the Road E62 -Dream Car解夢
11:55PM3 mins Enews E1064
12:00AMThe Escape of the Seven: Resurrection (Bilingual) E3
01:00AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1256
01:30AMJinxed at First E9
02:30AMLate News
03:00AMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E1
04:00AMTalker - Queen of the Road E62 -Dream Car解夢
04:25AM3 mins Enews E1064
04:30AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1256
05:00AMThe Double E23
06:00AMMorning News
09:00AMInnovative Teen E97 -茶葉 (I)
09:30AMTrading Hour
11:00AMInvest Smarter E219
11:30AMChefs VS Picky Eaters E13 -暑假終極大派對(一)
12:00PMNNC simulcast Noon News/ now Report
12:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1257
12:55PM3 mins Enews E1064
01:00PMThe Culture Book E23 -摩四青年
01:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E99
02:00PMMy Perfect Stranger E8
03:00PMTrading Hour
04:00PMGourmet Insights E190 -慳啲啦Foodie - 法式奶香蘋果燉雞 / 脹卜卜沙白釀蝦滑
04:30PMSuper Wings S7 E17 -穿越時空的纜車: 下集 / 飛天鯉魚危機
05:00PMSuper BOOMi S2 E3
05:30PMCare Bears: Unlock the Magic S1 E12 -勇氣徽章 / 智慧奇妙熊
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMProperty Weekly E221
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E100
08:00PMGourmet Insights E191 -「營」真就Fit了 - 照燒天貝杏鮑菇 / 泰式天貝生菜包
08:30PMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E2
09:30PMUA Presents: Goal to Success E7 -球隊重新出發
10:25PMfoodpanda Presents: What If Making of E2 -阿信的故事
10:30PMOne Trip Dating E12 -泳裝女神Day 1 - 比峇里更熾熱的約會
11:00PMRun4fun E12
11:30PMTalker - Parental Guidance E24 -玩具「有」惑?(I)
11:55PM3 mins Enews E1065
12:00AMThe Escape of the Seven: Resurrection (Bilingual) E4
01:00AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1257
01:30AMJinxed at First E10
02:30AMLate News
03:00AMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E2
04:00AMTalker - Parental Guidance E24 -玩具「有」惑?(I)
04:25AM3 mins Enews E1065
04:30AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1257
05:00AMThe Double E24
06:00AMMorning News
09:00AMGreen Finder E31 -生活書院 (II)
09:30AMTrading Hour
11:00AMInvest Smarter E220
11:30AMChefs VS Picky Eaters E14 -暑假終極大派對(二)
12:00PMNNC simulcast Noon News/ City Plan
12:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1258
12:55PM3 mins Enews E1065
01:00PMSixteenth note E7 -嘉賓: FIESTER
01:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E100
02:00PMMy Perfect Stranger E9
03:00PMTrading Hour
04:00PMGourmet Insights E191 -「營」真就Fit了 - 照燒天貝杏鮑菇 / 泰式天貝生菜包
04:30PMSuper Wings S7 E18 -巨型收成機械人 / 馬丘比丘大冒險
05:00PMSuper BOOMi S2 E4
05:30PMCare Bears: Unlock the Magic S1 E13 -為甚麼這麼大塵 / 不一樣的捉迷藏
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMAll for One E99 -滑雪教練
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E101
08:00PMGourmet Insights E192 -慳啲啦Foodie - 焦糖燉蛋 / 咖啡牛奶千層糕
08:30PMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E3
09:30PMUA Presents: Goal to Success E8 -出外集訓營
10:25PMfoodpanda Presents: What If Making of E3 -三命之一:漫畫家
10:30PMOne Trip Dating E13 -泳裝女神Last Day - Chill Guy之約
11:00PMRun4fun E13
11:30PMSensa Cools Presents: Talker - Foodie Talkies E266 -好心做壞事
11:55PM3 mins Enews E1066
12:00AMThe Escape of the Seven: Resurrection (Bilingual) E5
01:00AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1258
01:30AMJinxed at First E11
02:30AMLate News
03:00AMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E3
04:00AMSensa Cools Presents: Talker - Foodie Talkies E266 -好心做壞事
04:25AM3 mins Enews E1066
04:30AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1258
05:00AMThe Double E25
06:00AMMorning News
09:00AMA for Athletes -攀石
09:30AMTrading Hour
11:00AMInvest Smarter E221
11:30AMChefs VS Picky Eaters E15 -暑假終極大派對(三)
12:00PMNNC simulcast Noon News/ Show Flat
12:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1259
12:55PM3 mins Enews E1066
01:00PMLet's talk about future E29
01:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E101
02:00PMMy Perfect Stranger E10
03:00PMTrading Hour
04:00PMGourmet Insights E192 -慳啲啦Foodie - 焦糖燉蛋 / 咖啡牛奶千層糕
04:30PMPeppa Pig S5 E11
05:00PMUltraman Blazar E19
05:30PMVida the Vet E10 -奧圖優雅的朋友 / 費琪的輪椅歪掉了
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMInnovative Teen E98 -茶葉 (II)
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E102
08:00PMGourmet Insights E193 -美食秘技 - 紅燒元蹄 / 拔絲薑汁番薯
08:30PMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E4
09:30PMUA Presents: Goal to Success E9 -中場位置爭奪戰
10:25PMfoodpanda Presents: What If Making of E4 -漫畫家的幕後推手
10:30PMOne Trip Dating E14
11:00PMRun4fun E14
11:30PMTalker - Chat KP E20 -突然消失的東西
11:55PM3 mins Enews E1067