Coming up
- Fri
28 - Sat
29 - Sun
30 - Mon
31 - Tue
01 - Wed
02 - Thu
05:09PMDoki -Doki's Dolphin Now
05:24PMDoki -Party Like it's 1859
05:33PMXploration Awesome Planet -Glacier National Park
06:00PMThe One Thing -Wes P: World Famous Physical Comedian
06:15PMThe One Thing -Andrew Basso: Enthralling Escapologist
06:30PMXploration Outer Space -The Art of Space
06:54PMOperation Ouch! -Snot-tacular!
07:24PMScienceXplosion -Sensational Solubles!
07:27PMScienceXplosion -Well Buttered
07:33PMGym Stars -The Next Level
08:00PMBecoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls -The Keeper (Maddie Hinch) and The Explorer (Ranulph Fiennes)
08:24PMScienceXplosion -The Buzz on Bugs
08:30PMIce Stars -Sickness Strikes
09:00PMScienceXplosion -Spy Vision!
09:03PMJunior Vets -The Big Mystery
09:33PMThe Deep -The Maze
10:00PMOperation Ouch! -Explosive Spots!
10:30PMmathXplosion -A Nut For a Jar of Tuna
10:33PMGym Stars -Going For Gold
11:00PMJunior Vets -And the Winner Is
11:30PMJunior Vets -No Time to Waste
12:00AMAnimal Embassy -King Penguin
12:24AMScienceXplosion -The Colour of Heat
12:30AMXploration Awesome Planet -Animal Rescue
12:54AMScienceXplosion -Circle of Life
01:00AMDid You Know? -Behind the Scenes With Hygiene Products
01:21AMmathXplosion -Go Fly a Kite
01:24AMmathXplosion -A Nut For a Jar of Tuna
01:30AMDid You Know? -Child Prodigies and Geniuses
01:54AMmathXplosion -A Magic Curve Ball
02:00AMDid You Know? -When Science Revolutionises the Show
02:24AMmathXplosion -Vanishing Into the Sunset
02:30AMSiyaya - Wildest Cape -Gamkaberg - Mountain Fortress
02:54AMMarvellous Makes -Beaky Biter
02:57AMKnow It All -What's so Great About Mould?
03:03AMDo You Know? -Hamster Wheel & Insect Hotel
03:18AMDo You Know? -Fire Engine Hose & Reflective Strips
03:33AMDo You Know? -Fizzy Water & Yoghurt
03:48AMDo You Know? -Bin Lorry & Recycling
04:03AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Botswana
04:12AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Greece
04:18AMScienceXplosion -Bernoulli and Company
04:24AMDarwin and Newts -Monarch Butterfly - The Lifecycle of a Butterfly
04:36AMDarwin and Newts -Burpee's Cousins Come to Stay - Tadpoles Turn into Frogs
04:48AMOne Stop Science Shop -Astounding Astronomy
05:00AMOne Stop Science Shop -Spectroscopes and Light
05:12AMScienceXplosion -Secret Message!
05:18AMOne Stop Science Shop -Heat and Energy
05:30AMOne Stop Science Shop -The Wonders of DNA
05:42AMScienceXplosion -The Colour of Heat
05:48AMAddison -The Mystery of the Curious Coin
06:00AMAddison -Scooped!
06:15AMDoki -Bubble Wrap
06:27AMDoki -Doki's Double Trouble
06:39AMThe Fixies -The Thermos
06:45AMThe Fixies -The Mixer
06:51AMThe Fixies -The Alarm
07:00AMDo You Know? -Butterfly and Wallpaper
07:15AMDo You Know? -Digger and Wellies
07:39AMA Week to Beat the World -Malaysia Day 3
08:00AMAddison -The Secret Admirer Mystery
08:15AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Vietnam
08:24AMMarvellous Makes Lab -Paper Plane
08:30AMThe Fixies -The Remote
08:36AMThe Fixies -The Combination Lock
08:45AMDoki -Doki and Ducki
09:00AMArt Ninja -Day of the Time Machine
09:30AMArt Ninja -Day of the Dragon
10:00AMDid I Mention Invention -Doomsday Seed Vault
10:21AMDid I Mention Invention? -Luxury Treehouses
10:45AMMeteoHeroes -Welcome Mr. Ro-bin!
10:51AMMeteoHeroes -Save the Panther
11:00AMFor Our Planet -Fashion Designer
11:06AMKnow It All -Are Hot Springs Magical?
11:09AMCat Land -Cat Toy
11:18AMHogie the Globehopper -Hogie Goes to Budapest
11:33AMAwesome Adventures -Southern California
11:57AMMarvellous Makes -Cardboard TV
12:03PMSiyaya – Come Wild With Us -On the Spoor of the Big Snake - Part 2: Signs from the Past
12:33PMSiyaya – Come Wild With Us -On the Spoor of the Big Snake - Part 3: Making Deep Tracks
01:03PMAnimal Embassy -A Day in the Life of Ester
01:27PMJolly Jesters -Banquet
01:33PMAnimal Embassy -King Penguin
02:00PMThe Deep -The Gates
02:24PMScienceXplosion -Fossil Finds
02:30PMOne Stop Science Shop -Fascinating Fossils
02:42PMOne Stop Science Shop -Lighting the Solar System
03:00PMOperation Ouch! -Mighty Muscles!
03:30PMGo Green with the Grimwades -Reuse Wool
03:42PMGo Green with the Grimwades -Reduce the Heating
03:51PMMarvellous Makes Lab -Marble Maze
04:00PMYoko -Cowboys in Yoko Park
04:12PMMarvellous Makes Lab -Thaumatrope
04:18PMZoe and Milo -Trip to Siberia
04:30PMBajillionaires -Paranormal Smashtivity
04:54PMOperation Ouch! -Brilliant Body Temperature
05:24PMmathXplosion -Birthday Trickery
05:30PMDid You Know? -The health effects of alternative healing
05:57PMmathXplosion -Quest for Roman Numerals
06:00PMmathXplosion -Actually, It's An Estimate
06:03PMGym Stars -Always Believe In Yourself
06:30PMJunior Vets -Fearless Junior Vets
07:00PMBecoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls -The G.O.A.T (Roger Federer) and The Racer (Danica Patrick)
07:24PMBecoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls -The Star (Julia Roberts) and The Fighter (Wladimir Klitschko)
07:48PMScienceXplosion -Friction and Reality
07:54PMIce Stars -The Need for Speed
08:24PMThe Pet Rescuers -A Second Chance
08:48PMmathXplosion -The Perfect Square
08:54PMDIY SCI -Museum Science
09:18PMOperation Ouch! - Do Try This at Home -Taste
09:33PMOperation Ouch! - Do Try This at Home -Mucus
09:48PMmathXplosion -The Tessell Nation
09:51PMmathXplosion -Pop Up Paper
09:54PMmathXplosion -That's So Twisted
10:00PMOperation Ouch! -Feeling Nervous!
10:30PMmathXplosion -Same But Different
10:33PMGym Stars -Bouncing Back
11:00PMJunior Vets -Heavy Surgery
11:21PMmathXplosion -Circles Get Around
11:24PMmathXplosion -The Word on Problem Solving
11:30PMJunior Vets -Health Check-ups
11:51PMmathXplosion -Weigh to Go!
11:54PMmathXplosion -Pick a Block of Dates - Any Block
12:00AMAnimal Embassy -Federica the Turtle
12:24AMScienceXplosion -Eric's Bear Paws
12:30AMXploration Awesome Planet -Invasive Planet
12:54AMScienceXplosion -Friction and Reality
01:00AMDid You Know? -The Amazing Factory Called Our Body
01:24AMmathXplosion -Frieze Dance
01:30AMDid You Know? -How To Boost Your Brain
01:54AMmathXplosion -Sun Time
02:00AMDid You Know? -Floods, Receding Coasts, Storms: How Can We Live With This in Daily Life?
02:24AMmathXplosion -Oops, I Forted!
02:30AMSiyaya – Come Wild With Us -Search for the Big Seven Part 1: The Garden of Eden
02:54AMMarvellous Makes -Shadow Theatre
03:00AMKnow It All -What Makes Bread Rise?
03:03AMDo You Know? -Bike Chain & Tennis Balls
03:18AMDo You Know? -Cat Flap & Woolly Hat
03:33AMDo You Know? -Boat Propeller & Hot Air Balloon
03:48AMDo You Know? -Blood Pressure Monitor & Cast
04:03AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Indonesia
04:12AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Japan
04:18AMScienceXplosion -Painting at the Bernoulli
04:24AMDarwin and Newts -Manuiti Learns to Fly
04:36AMDarwin and Newts -Crabby Crabs - Sand and Tides
04:48AMOne Stop Science Shop -Really Remarkable Robotics
05:00AMOne Stop Science Shop -How do plants eat and drink?
05:12AMScienceXplosion -Eric's Bear Paws
05:18AMOne Stop Science Shop -Bouncing and Bending Light
05:30AMOne Stop Science Shop -Communicating without Wires
05:42AMScienceXplosion -Rise Up!
05:48AMAddison -The Mystery of the Robot Rivalry
06:00AMAddison -Mystery of the Reluctant Racer
06:15AMDoki -Shake a Tail Feather
06:27AMDoki -Mundi's Day Off
06:39AMThe Fixies -The Piggy Bank
06:45AMThe Fixies -The Internet
06:51AMThe Fixies -The Scale
07:00AMDo You Know? -Hearing Aid and Whistle
07:15AMDo You Know? -Cricket Bat and Wind-Up Toy
07:39AMA Week to Beat the World -Malaysia Day 4
08:00AMAddison -The Midnight Ninja Mystery
08:15AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Iceland
08:24AMMarvellous Makes Lab -Kazoo
08:30AMThe Fixies -The Refrigerator
08:36AMThe Fixies -The Electric Kettle
08:45AMDoki -Fico's Floaties
09:00AMArt Ninja -Day of the Baby
09:30AMArt Ninja -Day of the Band
10:00AMDid I Mention Invention? -Inland Surf Park
10:21AMDid I Mention Invention? -Cellphone Inventor
10:45AMMeteoHeroes -Lost Whales
10:51AMMeteoHeroes -Icy Tsunami
11:00AMFor Our Planet -Food of the Future
11:09AMCat Land -Cat Taxi
11:18AMHogie the Globehopper -Hogie Goes to Quebec
11:33AMAwesome Adventures -New Zealand
11:57AMMarvellous Makes -Beaky Biter
12:03PMSiyaya – Come Wild With Us -On the Spoor of the Big Snake - Part 4: To the River's End
12:33PMSiyaya - Wildest Cape -Cederberg - The Secret Library
01:03PMAnimal Embassy -Federica the Turtle
01:27PMJolly Jesters -Cathedrals
01:33PMAnimal Embassy -A Day in the Life of Rafa
02:00PMThe Deep -Here Be Dragons
02:21PMScienceXplosion -Kite Shenanigans
02:30PMOne Stop Science Shop -The Periodic Table
02:42PMOne Stop Science Shop -Micro Mycology
03:00PMOperation Ouch! -Blood Super-Highway
03:30PMGo Green with the Grimwades -Reuse at the Fire Station
03:42PMGo Green with the Grimwades -Repair Shoes
03:51PMMarvellous Makes Lab -Flying Pig
04:00PMYoko -Roll with it
04:12PMMarvellous Makes Lab -Marble Maze
04:18PMZoe and Milo -Trip to Reunion
04:30PMBajillionaires -Good Whale Hunting
04:54PMOperation Ouch! -Mighty Muscles!
05:24PMmathXplosion -Self-Portrait
05:30PMDid You Know? -Sustainable Food Tips
05:57PMmathXplosion -A Nut For a Jar of Tuna
06:00PMmathXplosion -The Danish Elephant
06:03PMGym Stars -Things Don't Always Go To Plan
06:30PMJunior Vets -A Chicken Killer
07:00PMBecoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls -The Keeper (Maddie Hinch) and The Explorer (Ranulph Fiennes)
07:24PMBecoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls -The Survivor (Bear Grylls) and The Boss (Ursula Burns)
07:48PMScienceXplosion -Bernoulli and Company
07:54PMIce Stars -Hopes and Dreams
08:24PMThe Pet Rescuers -One Step at a Time
08:51PMmathXplosion -The Many Sides of Triangles
08:54PMDIY SCI -Crazy Science Tricks
09:18PMOperation Ouch! - Do Try This at Home -Poo
09:36PMOperation Ouch! - Do Try This at Home -Bacteria
09:48PMmathXplosion -This With That and That
09:51PMmathXplosion -The Mysterious Multiplying Erics
09:54PMmathXplosion -Take Note of Musical Fractions
10:00PMOperation Ouch! -In a spin!
10:30PMmathXplosion -That's So Twisted
10:33PMGym Stars -Starting Over
11:00PMJunior Vets -Another Busy Day
11:30PMJunior Vets -Facing Fears
12:00AMAnimal Embassy -A Day in the Life of Rafa
12:24AMScienceXplosion -Rise Up!
12:30AMXploration Awesome Planet -The Power of Water
12:54AMScienceXplosion -Bernoulli and Company
01:00AMDid You Know? -Accents, Emotions, Singing!
01:24AMmathXplosion -The Magic Number
01:30AMDid You Know? -When Reality Deceives Us
01:57AMmathXplosion -Reflecting on Mirror Writing
02:00AMDid You Know? -Getting Rid of OCD, Phobias and Eating Disorders
02:24AMmathXplosion -Math is Everywhere
02:30AMSiyaya – Come Wild With Us -Search for the Big Seven Part 2: The Big Ones
02:54AMMarvellous Makes -Sea Turtle
03:00AMKnow It All -Can Plants Count?
03:03AMDo You Know? -Hot Water & Toothpaste
03:18AMDo You Know? -Water Park Slide & Ice Cream Cones
03:33AMDo You Know? -Popcorn & Pasta
03:48AMDo You Know? -Helicopter Rotor & Tricycles
04:03AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Mexico
04:12AMZoe and Milo -Trip to China
04:18AMScienceXplosion -3, 2, 1...Lift-off!
04:24AMDarwin and Newts -Cheeky Kea - Plants Grow from Seed
04:36AMDarwin and Newts -The Big Apple Run - Gravity Pulls Things Down
04:48AMOne Stop Science Shop -Mapping and Levels
05:00AMOne Stop Science Shop -Marvellous Medicine and First Aid
05:12AMScienceXplosion -Stars in a Jar
05:18AMOne Stop Science Shop -Multiple applications of Magnets
05:30AMOne Stop Science Shop -Microscopic Revelations
05:42AMScienceXplosion -Crunchy Crystals
05:48AMAddison -The Mystery of the Ghostly Go Kart
06:00AMAddison -The Mystery of the Party Popper
06:15AMDoki -Crystal Caves
06:27AMDoki -Abraca-Doki
06:39AMThe Fixies -Candy
06:45AMThe Fixies -The Microphone
06:51AMThe Fixies -The Can
07:00AMDo You Know? -Cereal Potato Harvester
07:15AMDo You Know? -Bowling Alley and Ribbon
07:39AMA Week to Beat the World -Malaysia Day 5
08:00AMDarwin and Newts -Spring into Action
08:15AMBriko -Bottle Cap
08:30AMThe Fixies -SMS
08:36AMThe Fixies -The Balloon
08:45AMYoko -Happy Birthday
09:00AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Fur Removal Spray
09:06AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Superfan
09:15AMMarvellous Makes -Origami Bobble Head
09:21AMKosmix -The Dam
09:24AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Siberia
09:33AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Reunion
09:42AMZoe and Milo -Trip to India
09:51AMZoe and Milo -Trip to South Korea
10:00AMMily Miss Questions -Mind your Manners
10:09AMMily Miss Questions -I'm Free!
10:18AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -A Foot Massage
10:24AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -The Flying Competition
10:30AMOne Stop Science Shop -Marvellous Medicine and First Aid
10:45AMOne Stop Science Shop -Multiple applications of Magnets
11:00AM44 Cats -Recycling Romp
11:12AMMarvellous Makes -Blob Cat
11:18AMDetention Adventure -Lab Results
11:33AMMake Me a Super -Electrifying Discoveries
12:00PMJolly Jesters -Myths and Legends
12:03PMJolly Jesters -Attacking Castles
12:09PMDoki -Stuck on Style
12:24PMFantastic Antics -Mayan Beauty
12:27PMFantastic Antics -Gladiator Collection
12:33PMAnimal Embassy -King Penguin
01:00PMA Week to Beat the World -Brazil Day 3
01:18PMAwesome Adventures -New Zealand
01:45PMKosmix -Submarine
01:51PMKosmix -Oil Platform
01:54PMJolly Jesters -Childhood
02:00PMThe Deep -The Dark Orca
02:21PMScienceXplosion -Macro-germs
02:30PMCritters TV -Hedgehog
02:45PMDarwin and Newts -Balloon Powered Rocket Cars
02:54PMDarwin and Newts -Eggspedition - Birds Lay Eggs According to their Size
03:06PMDarwin and Newts -The Muddy Path
03:18PMScienceXplosion -The Colour of Heat
03:24PMYoko -The Cool Spies
03:39PMYoko -All Together Now
03:54PMMeteoHeroes -Murky Waters
04:00PMMeteoHeroes -What's That Smell
04:09PMMeteoHeroes -Sea Traffic Accident
04:15PMJolly Jesters -Food
04:18PMOne Stop Science Shop -Mapping and Levels
04:33PMBriko -Old Luggage
04:48PMThe Fixies -The Doorbell
04:54PMThe Fixies -The Pack-o-mat
05:03PMScienceXplosion -Painting at the Bernoulli
05:06PMScienceXplosion -3, 2, 1...Lift-off!
05:09PMDoki -Team Doki's Big Squeeze
05:24PMDoki -Okefenokee Doki
05:33PMXploration Awesome Planet -Nature's Classroom
06:00PMThe One Thing -Giang Brothers: Renowned Circus Performers
06:15PMThe One Thing -Incredible Mallakhamb: Ancient Indian Gymnastics
06:30PMXploration Outer Space -Who Owns Space?
06:54PMOperation Ouch! -Eyeball Action
07:24PMScienceXplosion -Spy Vision!
07:27PMScienceXplosion -Crazy Craters
07:33PMGym Stars -We can be Heroes
08:00PMBecoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls -The Survivor (Bear Grylls) and The Boss (Ursula Burns)
08:24PMScienceXplosion -Wind Beneath Your Wings
08:30PMIce Stars -International Rivalry
09:00PMScienceXplosion -Crazy Craters
09:03PMJunior Vets -First Day at Vet School
09:33PMThe Deep -Whale of a Tale
10:00PMOperation Ouch! -Snot-tacular!
10:30PMmathXplosion -Pop Up Paper
10:33PMGym Stars -Fear of Falling
11:00PMJunior Vets -Life-Changing Operation
11:30PMJunior Vets -Critical Examination
12:00AMAnimal Embassy -Gorilla Foot
12:24AMScienceXplosion -Stars in a Jar
12:30AMXploration Awesome Planet -Teens Making An Impact
12:54AMScienceXplosion -Painting at the Bernoulli
01:00AMDid You Know? -The High-Tech Holiday Service
01:27AMmathXplosion -Going Off Grid
01:30AMDid You Know? -Unusual health helpers
01:54AMmathXplosion -Star Power
02:00AMDid You Know? -New tips and ideas for your home
02:24AMmathXplosion -Folded Paper, Hopping Frog
02:30AMSiyaya – Come Wild With Us -Search for the Big Seven Part 3: Whale of a Time
02:54AMMarvellous Makes -Sponge Boat
03:03AMDo You Know? -Toilet Flush & Toilet Factory
03:18AMDo You Know? -Carousel & Wax Crayons
03:33AMDo You Know? -Cranes & Bricks
03:48AMDo You Know? -Key In Lock & Glass
04:03AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Finland
04:12AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Zimbabwe
04:18AMScienceXplosion -The Era of the Air Pump
04:24AMDarwin and Newts -Our Little Forest Friends - How to Build a Bridge
04:36AMDarwin and Newts -The Big Sticky Web - How to Make a Spider Web
04:48AMOne Stop Science Shop -Fun with Pressure and Hydraulics
05:00AMOne Stop Science Shop -Following the Fibre Optic Trail
05:12AMScienceXplosion -What's Up with Water?
05:18AMOne Stop Science Shop -Tension and Chemical Kinetics
05:30AMOne Stop Science Shop -Looking for Miniscule Microbes
05:42AMScienceXplosion -Solid as a Liquid
05:48AMAddison -The Recycling Bandit
06:00AMAddison -The Mystery of the Missing Pteranodon
06:15AMDoki -A Knight to Remember
06:27AMDoki -Big Money
06:39AMThe Fixies -Nolik's Cube
06:45AMThe Fixies -The Lie Detector
06:51AMThe Fixies -The Mirror
07:00AMDo You Know? -Beehive & Mug
07:15AMDo You Know? -Digestion and Meringue
07:39AMA Week to Beat the World -Guatemala Day 1
08:00AMDarwin and Newts -A Test of Metal
08:15AMBriko -Newspaper
08:30AMThe Fixies -The Microwave
08:36AMThe Fixies -The Toothbrush
08:45AMYoko -Grownups
09:00AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Tongue Tongs
09:03AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Egg Day
09:15AMKosmix -The Aral Sea
09:21AMMarvellous Makes -Slotting Disks
09:24AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Ecuador
09:33AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Japan - Part I
09:42AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Morocco
09:51AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Niger
10:00AMMily Miss Questions -Boys and Girls Alike!
10:09AMMily Miss Questions -Fair Play
10:18AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Bhilka Points
10:24AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Leo's New Bed
10:30AMOne Stop Science Shop -Microscopic Revelations
10:45AMOne Stop Science Shop -Fun with Pressure and Hydraulics
11:00AM44 Cats -Santa's Little Helper
11:12AMMarvellous Makes -Magic Unicorn Lion
11:18AMDetention Adventure -History Repeating
11:33AMMake Me a Super -A Powerful Worm and a Whole New Brain
12:00PMJolly Jesters -The Filth
12:03PMJolly Jesters -Trade Route
12:09PMDoki -The High Life
12:24PMFantastic Antics -The Art of Hair
12:27PMFantastic Antics -At the Aksum Market
12:33PMAnimal Embassy -Federica the Turtle
01:00PMA Week to Beat the World -Brazil Day 4
01:18PMAwesome Adventures -Maui
01:45PMKosmix -Tsunami
01:51PMKosmix -The Shore
01:54PMJolly Jesters -Banquet
02:00PMThe Deep -A.I.M.Y
02:21PMScienceXplosion -Soapy Sailing
02:30PMCritters TV -Atlantic Salmon
02:45PMDarwin and Newts -The Annual Frog Jump - The Physics of Frog Jumping
02:54PMDarwin and Newts -The Treasure Map - A Compass and Map Give Directions
03:06PMDarwin and Newts -The Five Senses Games
03:18PMScienceXplosion -Eric's Bear Paws
03:24PMYoko -All for One, and One For All
03:39PMYoko -Cloudy Day
03:54PMMeteoHeroes -Dangerous Dive
04:00PMMeteoHeroes -The Fishnet and the Fishnut
04:09PMMeteoHeroes -The Salt Lake
04:15PMJolly Jesters -A Strange Trial
04:18PMOne Stop Science Shop -Marvellous Medicine and First Aid
04:33PMBriko -Old Jeans
04:48PMThe Fixies -The Crowbar
04:57PMThe Fixies -The Disguise
05:03PMScienceXplosion -The Era of the Air Pump
05:06PMScienceXplosion -Find the Culprit
05:09PMDoki -Testing Team Doki
05:24PMDoki -Oto Flips
05:33PMXploration Awesome Planet -Natural Disasters
06:00PMThe One Thing -Tori Boggs: Jump Rope Champion
06:15PMThe One Thing -Dashaun Morris: American Football Phenom
06:30PMXploration Outer Space -Stories from Space
06:54PMOperation Ouch! -Cracking Crystals
07:24PMScienceXplosion -Super Shape!
07:27PMScienceXplosion -Neurons, Neurons, Neurons!
07:33PMGym Stars -Proving It
08:00PMBecoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls -The Inventor (Robert Langer) and The Rebel (Frances Arnold)
08:24PMScienceXplosion -Spinning Seeds
08:30PMIce Stars -Home Sweet Home
09:00PMScienceXplosion -Super Shape!
09:03PMJunior Vets -First-Hand Vet Experience
09:33PMThe Deep -The Missing
10:00PMOperation Ouch! -Eyeball Action
10:30PMmathXplosion -The Tessell Nation
10:33PMGym Stars -Life Changes
11:00PMJunior Vets -On Duty
11:30PMJunior Vets -Tough Challenges
11:48PMmathXplosion -From Zero to Hero
11:54PMmathXplosion -Matching Socks
12:00AMAnimal Embassy -Panda and Macaw
12:24AMScienceXplosion -Crunchy Crystals
12:30AMXploration Awesome Planet -Winter Wonderland
12:54AMScienceXplosion -3, 2, 1...Lift-off!
01:00AMDid You Know? -Incredible natural phenomena explained by science
01:24AMmathXplosion -Magic Cups
01:30AMDid You Know? -Revolutionary innovations for everyday life
01:54AMmathXplosion -Thinking Outside the Jam
02:00AMDid You Know? -The secrets to staying young and healthy
02:30AMSiyaya – Come Wild With Us -Search for the Big Seven Part 4: Hunters of the Deep
02:54AMMarvellous Makes -Snappy Creature
03:03AMDo You Know? -Piano & Drums
03:18AMDo You Know? -Bus Ramp & Roads
03:33AMDo You Know? -Dishwasher & Table
03:48AMDo You Know? -Eggs & Bread
04:03AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Serbia
04:12AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Central African Republic
04:18AMScienceXplosion -Find the Culprit
04:24AMDarwin and Newts -Heni Paints a Picture - The Colours of the Natural World
04:36AMDarwin and Newts -Noisy Newts
04:48AMOne Stop Science Shop -Environmental Science
05:00AMOne Stop Science Shop -Fascinating Fossils
05:12AMScienceXplosion -Sound-sational!
05:18AMOne Stop Science Shop -Lighting the Solar System
05:30AMOne Stop Science Shop -The Periodic Table
05:42AMScienceXplosion -Prove It!
05:48AMAddison -The Mystery of the Shrinking Rink
06:00AMAddison -The Mystery of the Birthday Brainteaser
06:15AMDoki -A Twister Tale
06:27AMDoki -Stinky Shoes
06:39AMThe Fixies -The Vent
06:45AMThe Fixies -The Catapult
06:51AMThe Fixies -The Team
07:00AMDo You Know? -Radiator and Clouds and Rain
07:15AMDo You Know? -Metal Recycling and Road Sign
07:39AMA Week to Beat the World -Guatemala Day 2
08:00AMDarwin and Newts -Save the Sandbank
08:15AMBriko -Cardboard Roll
08:30AMThe Fixies -The Screws
08:36AMThe Fixies -The Stapler
08:45AMYoko -My Craft
09:00AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Positive Thoughts Only
09:06AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Bhilka Diamond
09:15AMMarvellous Makes -Snow Globe Jar
09:21AMKosmix -Water in the City
09:24AMZoe and Milo -Trip to China
09:33AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Mexico
09:42AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Senegal
09:51AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Papua New Guinea
10:00AMMily Miss Questions -My Way or the Highway
10:09AMMily Miss Questions -Think Positive!
10:18AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Mayor Senior
10:24AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Opti's Diet
10:30AMOne Stop Science Shop -Following the Fibre Optic Trail
10:45AMOne Stop Science Shop -Tension and Chemical Kinetics
11:00AM44 Cats -Meatball's Lucky Day
11:12AMMarvellous Makes -Dinosaur Baby
11:18AMDetention Adventure -The Past Reveals Itself
11:33AMMake Me a Super -Invisibility Cloaks and Unseen Things
12:00PMJolly Jesters -Tournaments
12:03PMJolly Jesters -Medicine in The Middle Ages
12:09PMDoki -Game On
12:24PMFantastic Antics -Crazy Jobs
12:27PMFantastic Antics -Chariot Racing
12:33PMAnimal Embassy -A Day in the Life of Rafa
01:00PMA Week to Beat the World -Brazil Day 5
01:18PMAwesome Adventures -Pacific North West
01:45PMKosmix -Ships
01:51PMKosmix -The River
01:54PMJolly Jesters -Justice
02:00PMThe Deep -Digging Deeper
02:21PMScienceXplosion -Mission: Mix Impossible!
02:30PMCritters TV -Fox
02:45PMDarwin and Newts -Its Snowing in Kiwifruit Valley
02:54PMDarwin and Newts -The Story of Sheepy - The Names of Clouds
03:06PMDarwin and Newts -The Big Bubble Festival!
03:18PMScienceXplosion -Rise Up!
03:24PMYoko -Snowball
03:39PMYoko -A Perfect Picnic
03:54PMMeteoHeroes -Miraculous Syrup
04:00PMMeteoHeroes -Smog Monster
04:09PMMeteoHeroes -Reindeer Rescue
04:15PMJolly Jesters -Courtly Love
04:18PMOne Stop Science Shop -Multiple applications of Magnets
04:33PMBriko -Paperclip
04:48PMThe Fixies -The Level
04:54PMThe Fixies -Modeling Clay
05:00PMScienceXplosion -Optical illusion, my eye!
05:06PMScienceXplosion -Electromagnetic Attraction
05:09PMDoki -Doki Goes Batty
05:24PMDoki -Stuck on Style
05:33PMXploration Awesome Planet -Taking Flight
06:00PMThe One Thing -Vispy Kharadi: Martial Arts Strong Man
06:15PMThe One Thing -The Pitmans: Martial Arts Dynamic Duo
06:30PMXploration Outer Space -Second Annual Student Astronaut Contest
06:54PMOperation Ouch! -Don't Cry This At Home
07:24PMScienceXplosion -Superchutes!
07:27PMScienceXplosion -Eric Makes Paper!
07:33PMGym Stars -Making the Grade
08:00PMBecoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls -The Friend (Courteney Cox) and the Showman (Channing Tatum)
08:24PMScienceXplosion -Secret Code
08:30PMIce Stars -Superhero Spinners
09:00PMScienceXplosion -Neurons, Neurons, Neurons!
09:03PMJunior Vets -Overcoming Fears
09:33PMThe Deep -Thunder and Lightning
10:00PMOperation Ouch! -Cracking Crystals
10:30PMmathXplosion -Take Note of Musical Fractions
10:33PMGym Stars -Breaking Free
11:00PMJunior Vets -Time to Say Goodbye
11:30PMJunior Vets -Pick Me
12:00AMAnimal Embassy -Orca Baby
12:24AMScienceXplosion -What's Up with Water?
12:30AMXploration Awesome Planet -Cultural Science
12:54AMScienceXplosion -The Era of the Air Pump
01:00AMDid You Know? -The homemade products trend
01:27AMmathXplosion -Matching Socks
01:30AMDid You Know? -Behind the scenes with your favourite food
01:54AMmathXplosion -Can See the Tetrahedron for the Trees
02:00AMDid You Know? -The science of travel
02:24AMmathXplosion -Magic 9's
02:30AMSiyaya – Come Wild With Us -To the River's End
02:54AMMarvellous Makes -Blazing Blast Rocket
03:00AMKnow It All -What Makes Fireworks Bang?
03:03AMDo You Know? -Magnets & Teddy Bears
03:18AMDo You Know? -Escalator & Wheelbarrow
03:33AMDo You Know? -Car Brakes & Car Factory
03:48AMDo You Know? -Zips & Screen Printed T-shirt
04:03AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Senegal
04:12AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Iran
04:18AMScienceXplosion -Optical illusion, my eye!
04:24AMDarwin and Newts -Burpee and Croakette's Iceskating Rink - Ice Turns Into Water
04:36AMDarwin and Newts -Bluey the Penguin - Plastic Bags Can Cause Harm
04:48AMOne Stop Science Shop -Micro Mycology
05:00AMOne Stop Science Shop -Electric Current and Power
05:12AMScienceXplosion -May the Force Be With You
05:18AMOne Stop Science Shop -Green Science and Recycling
05:30AMOne Stop Science Shop -Programming and Coding
05:42AMScienceXplosion -Sensational Senses!
05:48AMAddison -Mystery of the Halloween Haunting
06:00AMAddison -Mystery of the Runaway Robots
06:15AMDoki -Oto-nardo Da Vinci
06:27AMDoki -Ghost Hunting
06:39AMThe Fixies -The Doorbell
06:45AMThe Fixies -Friction
06:51AMThe Fixies -The Stain
07:00AMDo You Know? -Lighthouse and Bath Bomb
07:15AMDo You Know? -Waves and Ice Cream
07:39AMA Week to Beat the World -Guatemala Day 3
08:00AMDarwin and Newts -The Big Stink
08:15AMBriko -Egg Carton
08:30AMThe Fixies -The Electric Train
08:36AMThe Fixies -The Pen
08:45AMYoko -Storybook Ending
09:00AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Ultra Super Magic Working Juice
09:03AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Sprinter 2.0
09:15AMKosmix -The Water Cycle
09:21AMMarvellous Makes -Gliding Ice Skater
09:24AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Netherlands
09:33AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Tibet
09:42AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Burkina Faso
09:51AMZoe and Milo -Trip to Saudi Arabia
10:00AMMily Miss Questions -What a Family!
10:09AMMily Miss Questions -Man's Best Friend
10:18AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Leo is Toxic
10:24AMSuperhero Sprinter Galore -Home Improvement
10:30AMOne Stop Science Shop -Looking for Miniscule Microbes
10:45AMOne Stop Science Shop -Environmental Science
11:00AM44 Cats -All Meow for Ice Cream
11:12AMMarvellous Makes -Elephant Mouse
11:18AMDetention Adventure -Old Roads
11:33AMMake Me a Super -Shrinking Chips and Expanding Solutions
12:00PMJolly Jesters -Childhood
12:03PMJolly Jesters -Banquet
12:09PMDoki -Mars or Bust
12:24PMFantastic Antics -Latrine Break
12:27PMFantastic Antics -Nubian Archers
12:33PMAnimal Embassy -Gorilla Foot
01:00PMA Week to Beat the World -Mongolia Day 1
01:18PMAwesome Adventures -Poconos
01:45PMKosmix -The Stream
01:48PMKosmix -Groundwater
01:54PMJolly Jesters -Cathedrals
02:00PMThe Deep -The Devil's Sea Mystery
02:21PMScienceXplosion -Density Intensity
02:30PMCritters TV -Sea Lamprey
02:45PMDarwin and Newts -Darwins Precious Collection - Crystals & Gold
02:54PMDarwin and Newts -Heni's Apple Orchard - Trees and Their Seasons
03:06PMDarwin and Newts -Garden Emergency!
03:18PMScienceXplosion -Stars in a Jar
03:24PMYoko -The Yoko Workout
03:39PMYoko -An A-mazing Winter Adventure
03:54PMMeteoHeroes -Poisoned Gold
04:00PMMeteoHeroes -Fiat Lux
04:09PMMeteoHeroes -Stubble Fires
04:15PMJolly Jesters -Alchemy
04:18PMOne Stop Science Shop -Microscopic Revelations
04:33PMBriko -Broken Umbrella
04:48PMThe Fixies -The Chain Reaction
04:57PMThe Fixies -The Globe
05:00PMScienceXplosion -A Tornado in a Bottle
05:06PMScienceXplosion -Eric Makes Wind
05:09PMDoki -The High Life
05:24PMDoki -Game On
05:33PMXploration Awesome Planet -Microscopic World
06:00PMThe One Thing -Kevin Bergquist: Martial Arts Champ
06:15PMThe One Thing -Bianca Ciocirlan: Hoverboard Performer
06:30PMXploration Outer Space -Space Bots
06:54PMOperation Ouch! -Who's Getting Snotted?
07:24PMScienceXplosion -Fossil Finds
07:27PMScienceXplosion -Kite Shenanigans
07:33PMGym Stars -Stepping Up
08:00PMBecoming Xtraordinary presented by Bear Grylls -The Magician (Steven Frayne) and The Captain (Kate Richardson-Walsh)
08:27PMScienceXplosion -ColourXplosion
08:30PMIce Stars -It's Gala Day
09:00PMScienceXplosion -Superchutes!
09:03PMJunior Vets -A Mysterious Lump
09:33PMThe Deep -The Gates
10:00PMOperation Ouch! -Don't Cry This At Home
10:30PMmathXplosion -The Mysterious Multiplying Erics
10:33PMGym Stars -A Star is Born
11:00PMJunior Vets -Roger Has A Problem
11:30PMJunior Vets -A Singing Cat