Coming up
- Fri
28 - Sat
29 - Sun
30 - Mon
31 - Tue
01 - Wed
02 - Thu
04:30PMThe Smurfs (new series) S2 E2 -禮貌很重要 / 才華橫溢的賈斯塔藍精靈 Now
05:00PMUltraman Blazar E22
05:30PMVida the Vet E13 -辛尼妹妹出生了 / 阿高成功剪指甲
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMMedicine Online E459 -質子治療
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E108 -飯盒難食致營養不足?
08:00PMGourmet Insights E199 -「Feel」出新意 - 番茄牛肉燴飯 / 鮭魚泡菜燒飯團
08:30PMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E10
09:30PMUA Presents: Goal to Success E15 -迎接終極一戰
10:25PMfoodpanda Presents: What If Making of E10 -命運的相遇
10:30PMLee Kum Kee Presents: When Disaster Strikes E5 -水災求生須知
11:00PMHaunted Road Trip II E5 -威爾斯中部 - 猛鬼劇院 (I)
11:30PMTalker - One Beside You 3 E384 -網台主持藍秀朗分享靈異個案
11:55PM3 mins Enews E1073
12:00AMThe Escape of the Seven: Resurrection (Bilingual) E12
01:00AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1265
01:30AMJinxed at First E18
02:30AMLate News
03:00AMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E10
04:00AMTalker - One Beside You 3 E384 -網台主持藍秀朗分享靈異個案
04:25AM3 mins Enews E1073
04:30AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1265
05:00AMThe Double E32
06:00AMMorning News
08:00AMNBA 24/25 -Phoenix Suns vs Minnesota Timberwolves[Live]
10:30AMEarth to Luna Season 8 E9 -寶貝玩偶 / 1、2、3、4、5、6
11:00AMTOKUSON: Life Hacks! S4 E20
11:30AMJapanese Food Knowledge Pro E5 -納豆 (II)
12:00PMNoon News
12:30PMMa Pak Leung Presents: Wish you good health E79 -膽結石
01:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB E258 -嘉賓: Day 許軼
02:30PMIn Love with their own Hong Kong S2 E4 -故事創作人 / 音樂人- 黃靖 Jing Wong
03:00PMTravel Freshman E5 -英法之旅 (I)
03:30PMDoctor Animal E6 -過肥?環境?飲食習慣?誰是真兇?
04:00PMWay to Champion E33 -中國香港冰球青年組運動員 詹樂妍
04:30PMRicky Zoom S2 E7 -力奇走了 / 衝鋒攀爬器
04:55PMWonderful Precure! E47 -新年快樂牙皇
05:25PMFun-tastic World Explorers E12 -土耳其
05:55PMBiliteracy and Trilingualism in Hong Kong E3
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMNow Forum E857
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMDesiring a Good Life E16 -珠海 Raymond老爺
08:00PMBrick da house E31 -高採光迴廊設計
08:30PMThe Popcorn Show 3 E20
09:30PMTao Ti Saturday Movie: 77 Heartbreaks
11:45PMCaptain Tsubasa Season 2, Jr. Youth Arc E26 -帶來奇跡的拳頭
12:15AMThe Couples’ Gambit E3 -雙人瑜伽
01:15AMTakeshis Medical Check-up Show E249
02:15AMGood Old Days 2 -大圍
02:30AMTokyo Quest E7 -歌舞伎町導賞團
03:00AMTaste Hunter E6 -新加坡-甜
03:30AMThe Culture Book E24 -無限亮 (I)
04:00AMLet's talk about future E30 -作家
04:30AMGreen Finder E32 -生活書院 (III)
05:00AMDoctor Animal E6 -過肥?環境?飲食習慣?誰是真兇?
05:30AMInfinite Team E4 -雜耍轉碟
06:00AMMorning News
08:00AMTokyo Quest E8 -制霸東京麵包店
08:30AMHome Field Goal E3 -帶你到 「阿士東維拉」主場 - 維拉公園球場
09:00AMAll for One E100 -極限飛盤教練
09:30AMBandai Presents: KINGOHGER E44 -王之證明!真正的六大王國同盟
10:00AMAcademia: Create, Like and Share E1
10:30AMTaste Hunter E7 -新加坡-酸
11:00AMBandai Presents: Kamen Rider GOTCHARD E31 -黑暗的兩人,相信彼此
11:30AMSound and Vision S7 E18 -扒手
12:00PMNoon News
12:30PMMiss Goodviu E6 -美容室體驗
01:00PMSTEM By You E24 -X-ray
01:30PMUnhumble Cooking E5 -黑松露
02:00PMLook Up E5 -嘉義鎮天宮/桃園三結義神像篇
02:30PMTakeshis Medical Check-up Show E250
03:30PMInfinite Team E5 -花式啤牌
04:00PMThe Smurfs E65 -智多星的魔法故事 / 可怕的精靈
04:25PMBeyblade X Season 2 -萬獸家族
04:55PMPJ Masks S3 E23
05:20PMJoin Us After School! E38 -芬蘭木棋
05:50PMOffBeat 360 E12
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMNow Forum E858
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMnow Report E448 -太空油
08:00PMCalories Journey E1 -朝早吃完拉麵跑山跑鐵塔
08:30PMMa Pak Leung Presents: Wish you good health E80 -蠶豆症
09:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB E259 -嘉賓: 《CHILL CLUB推介榜 年度推介 24/25》入圍新人歌手
10:30PMP1X3L 5G LEVEL UP E17 -P1X3L 5G第一屆藝體能會
11:30PMThe Great Detective Sherlock Holmes - The Greatest Jail-Breaker
01:15AMLong Time No See Yamanote Line E14 -秋葉原日本匠人集中地
01:30AMLoneliness Can Kill E5 -美好 168 小時 (I)
02:30AMIn Love with their own Hong Kong S2 E4 -故事創作人 / 音樂人- 黃靖 Jing Wong
03:00AMHome Field Goal E3 -帶你到 「阿士東維拉」主場 - 維拉公園球場
03:30AMWay to Champion E33 -中國香港冰球青年組運動員 詹樂妍
04:00AMSound and Vision S7 E18 -扒手
04:30AMSTEM By You E24 -X-ray
05:00AMAll for One E100 -極限飛盤教練
05:30AMInnovative Teen E99 -貓cafe (I)
06:00AMMorning News
09:00AMLet's talk about future E30 -作家
09:30AMTrading Hour
11:00AMInvest Smarter E228
11:30AMHiking Walking Nepal E7 -疫後再挑戰
12:00PMNoon News
12:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1266
12:55PM3 mins Enews E1073
01:00PMA for Athletes -超級馬拉松
01:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E108 -飯盒難食致營養不足?
02:00PMMy Perfect Stranger E17
03:00PMTrading Hour
04:00PMGourmet Insights E199 -「Feel」出新意 - 番茄牛肉燴飯 / 鮭魚泡菜燒飯團
04:30PMHello Carbot S7 E2
05:00PMSuper BOOMi S2 E8
05:30PMCare Bears: Unlock the Magic S1 E17 -失靈 / 悅明去哪裡了?
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMGreen Finder E33 -生活書院 (IV)
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E109
08:00PMGourmet Insights E200 -Kim晚煮邊科 - 芫荽青醬雞肉扁意粉 / 素海參炒三鮮
08:30PMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E11
09:30PMfoodpanda Presents: What If E1 -風箏
11:30PMTalker - Queen of the Road E64 -「越野」越愛
11:55PM3 mins Enews E1074
12:00AMThe Escape of the Seven: Resurrection (Bilingual) E13
01:00AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1266
01:30AMJinxed at First E19
02:30AMLate News
03:00AMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E11
04:00AMTalker - Queen of the Road E64 -「越野」越愛
04:25AM3 mins Enews E1074
04:30AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1266
05:00AMThe Double E33
06:00AMMorning News
09:00AMInnovative Teen E99 -貓cafe (I)
09:30AMTrading Hour
11:00AMInvest Smarter E229
11:30AMHiking Walking Nepal E8 -出發喜瑪拉雅山脈!
12:00PMNNC simulcast Noon News/ now Report
12:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1267
12:55PM3 mins Enews E1074
01:00PMArt Junction E15 -張瀚謙
01:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E109
02:00PMMy Perfect Stranger E18
03:00PMTrading Hour
04:00PMGourmet Insights E200 -Kim晚煮邊科 - 芫荽青醬雞肉扁意粉 / 素海參炒三鮮
04:30PMHello Carbot S7 E3
05:00PMSuper BOOMi S2 E9
05:30PMCare Bears: Unlock the Magic S1 E18 -周圍都是水 / 終極壞種子
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMProperty Weekly E223
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E110
08:00PMGourmet Insights E201 -ROVER速食試煉場 - 混合花生醬拌麵 / 冬蔭功濃汁配意大利雲吞
08:30PMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E12
09:30PMfoodpanda Presents: What If E2 -夢想
10:30PMLee Kum Kee Presents: When Disaster Strikes E6 -求生儲備攻略
11:00PMHaunted Road Trip II E6 -威爾斯中部 - 猛鬼劇院 (II)
11:30PMTalker - Parental Guidance E26 -小B戒癮記 (I)
11:55PM3 mins Enews E1075
12:00AMThe Escape of the Seven: Resurrection (Bilingual) E14
01:00AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1267
01:30AMJinxed at First E20
02:30AMLate News
03:00AMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E12
04:00AMTalker - Parental Guidance E26 -小B戒癮記 (I)
04:25AM3 mins Enews E1075
04:30AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1267
05:00AMThe Double E34
06:00AMMorning News
09:00AMGreen Finder E33 -生活書院 (IV)
09:30AMTrading Hour
11:00AMInvest Smarter E230
11:30AMHiking Walking Nepal E9 -登山第一天! 成功抵達二千海拔
12:00PMNNC simulcast Noon News/ City Plan
12:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1268
12:55PM3 mins Enews E1075
01:00PMSixteenth note E9 -嘉賓: Stereo is the answer
01:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E110
02:00PMMy Perfect Stranger E19
03:00PMTrading Hour
04:00PMGourmet Insights E201 -ROVER速食試煉場 - 混合花生醬拌麵 / 冬蔭功濃汁配意大利雲吞
04:30PMHello Carbot S7 E4
05:00PMSuper BOOMi S2 E10
05:30PMCare Bears: Unlock the Magic S1 E19 -上升吧 悅明 / 公路旅行
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMAll for One E101 -香港繩索總會拯救隊教練
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E111
08:00PMGourmet Insights E202 -慳啲啦Foodie - 瘋狂爆漿雞鎚 / 香蕉流心吐司卷
08:30PMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E13
09:30PMfoodpanda Presents: What If E3 -命運
10:30PMLee Kum Kee Presents: When Disaster Strikes E7 -求生大作戰(上)
11:00PMHaunted Road Trip II E7 -威爾斯猛鬼酒吧
11:30PMTalker - Foodie Talkies E268 -嗌交
11:55PM3 mins Enews E1076
12:00AMThe Escape of the Seven: Resurrection (Bilingual) E15
01:00AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1268
01:30AMJinxed at First E21
02:30AMLate News
03:00AMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E13
04:00AMTalker - Foodie Talkies E268 -嗌交
04:25AM3 mins Enews E1076
04:30AMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1268
05:00AMThe Double E35
06:00AMMorning News
09:00AMA for Athletes -超級馬拉松
09:30AMTrading Hour
11:00AMInvest Smarter E231
11:30AMHiking Walking Nepal E10 -登上等待3年的山頂
12:00PMNNC simulcast Noon News/ Show Flat
12:30PMFWD Presents: CHILL CLUB Song Promotion E1269
12:55PM3 mins Enews E1076
01:00PMLet's talk about future E31
01:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E111
02:00PMMy Perfect Stranger E20
03:00PMTrading Hour
04:00PMGourmet Insights E202 -慳啲啦Foodie - 瘋狂爆漿雞鎚 / 香蕉流心吐司卷
04:30PMThe Smurfs (new series) S2 E3 -不想離開的客人 / 媽咪的傑作
05:00PMUltraman Blazar E23
05:30PMVida the Vet E14 -小諾媽媽節 / 迪比要補充水分
06:00PMNews Cast at 6
06:30PMInnovative Teen E100 -貓café (II)
07:00PMNews Cast at 7
07:30PMA Daily Dose of Well-being S2 E112
08:00PMGourmet Insights E203 -美食秘技 - 純素鵝肝醬配番茄他他多士 / 南瓜豆腐純素蒸水蛋
08:30PMGerman Pool Presents: The Midnight Studio E14
09:30PMfoodpanda Presents: What If E4 -選擇
10:30PMLee Kum Kee Presents: When Disaster Strikes E8 -求生大作戰(下)
11:00PMHaunted Road Trip II E8 -Bristol - 大頭針工廠
11:30PMTalker - Chat KP E22 -演藝夢 (II)
11:55PM3 mins Enews E1077