The Body Next Door is a documentary series that explores the profound impact of this discovery on Beddau. The identity of the deceased man remains a mystery, with no matching DNA, fingerprints, or dental records available, turning the case into a haunting dual mystery: who did this, and who was the victim? The series follows the intense police investigation that unfolds, revealing the fear and resolve of the villagers as they grapple with the notion that a murderer might be hiding in plain sight.
3 Eps.
The Body Next Door is a documentary series that explores the profound impact of this discovery on Beddau. The identity of the deceased man remains a mystery, with no matching DNA, fingerprints, or dental records available, turning the case into a haunting dual mystery: who did this, and who was the victim? The series follows the intense police investigation that unfolds, revealing the fear and resolve of the villagers as they grapple with the notion that a murderer might be hiding in plain sight.
3 Eps.
Ends 14 Nov 2027
Can, Eng
Chi, Eng
The Body
The Body
In Beddau, a seemingly tranquil Welsh village, the discovery of a body wrapped in plastic sends shockwaves through...
Ends 14 Nov 2027
The Secret
The Secret
In the peaceful Welsh village of Beddau, a body wrapped in plastic is discovered, rocking the tight-knit community...
Ends 14 Nov 2027
The Truth
The Truth
Leigh Sabine becomes the prime suspect when DNA links her to a body wrapped in plastic. Publicly shamed for abandoning h
Ends 14 Nov 2027
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