Narrated by pop band MIRROR member Stanley Yau, this documentary explores what are the traits necessary to become part of Japanese society. Following 1st and 6th graders at a public elementary school in Tokyo for a year, we observe a school system that might differ from other countries. Alongside studying, the kids learn about self-discipline, community spirit and good manners. The fine balance between individualism and being respectful towards others is tested on a daily basis. THE MAKING OF A JAPANESE elevates the important childhood years and is a fascinating watch about the big dramas of everyday life.
Cast: Stanley Yau
Narrated by pop band MIRROR member Stanley Yau, this documentary explores what are the traits necessary to become part of Japanese society. Following 1st and 6th graders at a public elementary school in Tokyo for a year, we observe a school system that might differ from other countries. Alongside studying, the kids learn about self-discipline, community spirit and good manners. The fine balance between individualism and being respectful towards others is tested on a daily basis. THE MAKING OF A JAPANESE elevates the important childhood years and is a fascinating watch about the big dramas of everyday life.
Ends 09 Oct 2027
Can, Jap
Chi, Eng
Stanley Yau
Ema Ryan Yamazaki
Cantonese Version
Cantonese Version
Narrated by pop band MIRROR member Stanley Yau, this documentary explores what are the traits necessary to become...
Ends 09 Oct 2027
Japanese Version
Japanese Version
What are the traits necessary to become part of Japanese society. Following 1st and 6th graders at a public...
Ends 09 Oct 2027
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