Evacuation is a 3-part documentary military thriller that tells the inside story of the perilous British campaign to evacuate Kabul, with top-to-bottom access to the Ministry of Defence. It’s an unflinching, emotive series that reveals - for the first time - the truth about the unfolding minute-by-minute drama of Britain’s biggest airlift since WW2.
3 Eps.
Evacuation is a 3-part documentary military thriller that tells the inside story of the perilous British campaign to evacuate Kabul, with top-to-bottom access to the Ministry of Defence. It’s an unflinching, emotive series that reveals - for the first time - the truth about the unfolding minute-by-minute drama of Britain’s biggest airlift since WW2.
3 Eps.
Ends 31 May 2027
Chi, Eng
We Should Have Gone Earlier
We Should Have Gone Earlier
British troops head to Kabul to begin the evacuation but find themselves stranded when chaos descends on the airfield.
Ends 31 May 2027
These Numbers Mean We Will Fail
These Numbers Mean We Will Fail
Pilots navigate treacherous skies and troops make life-and-death decisions, struggling to control crowds of...
Ends 31 May 2027
We Just Left Them
We Just Left Them
British troops deal with the aftermath of a deadly explosion and stop processing civilians as they begin to extract...
Ends 31 May 2027
Iron Butterflies
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