After a series of mishaps at work caused by her severe pre-menstrual syndrome, Fujisawa lands a new job at an astronomical toy factory, where she meets Yamazoe, a tacit colleague plagued by panic attacks. There the two, whose careers have been derailed by their respective conditions, learn to support and care for each other through life’s ups and downs despite their initial friction.
Cast: Hokuto Matsumura, Mone Kamishiraishi
After a series of mishaps at work caused by her severe pre-menstrual syndrome, Fujisawa lands a new job at an astronomical toy factory, where she meets Yamazoe, a tacit colleague plagued by panic attacks. There the two, whose careers have been derailed by their respective conditions, learn to support and care for each other through life’s ups and downs despite their initial friction.
Ends 31 Jan 2025
Chi, Eng
Hokuto Matsumura
Mone Kamishiraishi
Sho Miyake
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