Jet Propulsion, an alien from the planet Bortron 7, is always on the quest for adventure. Inspired by his favorite TV show character Great Galacto, Jet and his pet Sunspot go comet surfing, riding waves in outer space. When Sunspot gets too close to dangerous comet dust, he develops an allergic reaction that causes him to shrink. Jet must now search for a cure before Sunspot shrinks away completely. Will Jet and his friends be able to come up with a plan before time runs out?
Cast: Ashleigh Ball, Anthony Bolognese, Gordon Cormier, Brenda Crichlow, Brian Drummond, Gabriel Jacob-Cross
Jet Propulsion, an alien from the planet Bortron 7, is always on the quest for adventure. Inspired by his favorite TV show character Great Galacto, Jet and his pet Sunspot go comet surfing, riding waves in outer space. When Sunspot gets too close to dangerous comet dust, he develops an allergic reaction that causes him to shrink. Jet must now search for a cure before Sunspot shrinks away completely. Will Jet and his friends be able to come up with a plan before time runs out?
Chi, Eng
Ashleigh Ball
Anthony Bolognese
Gordon Cormier
Brenda Crichlow
Brian Drummond
Gabriel Jacob-Cross
David Mucci Fassett
Recommendations will be available soon.