Based on life of an ichthyologist, an illustrator and a television personality, Sakana-kun’s popularity in Japan stems from his ability to convey his deep knowledge of marine life in entertaining and eccentric ways. Loosely based on his autobiography, this joyously off-kilter comedy follows Meebo (Non), the fish enthusiast obsessed with marine life. As he did in The Story of Yonosuke (37th), director Okita Shuichi portrays a naïve and utterly adorable character, whose lack of cynicism and tenacious passion rub off on the lives around them. Watch out for the real Sakana-kun in a pivotal cameo role.
Cast: Non, Yagira Yuya, Kaho
Based on life of an ichthyologist, an illustrator and a television personality, Sakana-kun’s popularity in Japan stems from his ability to convey his deep knowledge of marine life in entertaining and eccentric ways. Loosely based on his autobiography, this joyously off-kilter comedy follows Meebo (Non), the fish enthusiast obsessed with marine life. As he did in The Story of Yonosuke (37th), director Okita Shuichi portrays a naïve and utterly adorable character, whose lack of cynicism and tenacious passion rub off on the lives around them. Watch out for the real Sakana-kun in a pivotal cameo role.
Ends 27 Feb 2029
Chi, Eng
Yagira Yuya
Okita Shuichi
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