Jett delivers a package to a boy named Oswald, in Salzburg Austria. Oswald’s dad ordered a tuxedo for him, and a bow tie for his Barn Swallow Emil. Oswald is invited to play piano in the Salzburg Festival today. From festival director Mrs. Shulz, Oswald and Jett find there’s something extraordinary about the piano. It’s a giant outdoor keyboard.
Jett delivers a package to a boy named Oswald, in Salzburg Austria. Oswald’s dad ordered a tuxedo for him, and a bow tie for his Barn Swallow Emil. Oswald is invited to play piano in the Salzburg Festival today. From festival director Mrs. Shulz, Oswald and Jett find there’s something extraordinary about the piano. It’s a giant outdoor keyboard.
Can, Eng
Recommendations will be available soon.