Celebrated comedy actor and children’s author, David Walliams, presents this fun family festive fairy tale, this time continuing the story of Hansel and Gretel. The story picks up after the children have escaped the witch’s gingerbread house – only to learn that their village is being enchanted by a mysterious stranger, plying everyone with sweet treats. But didn’t the witch get roasted in the oven? Determined to set things right, it’s up to Hansel and Gretel to face their worst fears and return to the witch’s house for a final showdown.
Cast: David Walliams, Bill Bekele, Lilly Aspell, Mark Addy, Sophie Thompson, Sheridan Smith
Celebrated comedy actor and children’s author, David Walliams, presents this fun family festive fairy tale, this time continuing the story of Hansel and Gretel. The story picks up after the children have escaped the witch’s gingerbread house – only to learn that their village is being enchanted by a mysterious stranger, plying everyone with sweet treats. But didn’t the witch get roasted in the oven? Determined to set things right, it’s up to Hansel and Gretel to face their worst fears and return to the witch’s house for a final showdown.
Chi, Eng
David Walliams
Bill Bekele
Lilly Aspell
Mark Addy
Sophie Thompson
Sheridan Smith
Dan Zeff
Recommendations will be available soon.