In this powerful and uplifting drama based on historical events, a 10-year-old shepherd and her two younger cousins in Fátima, Portugal, report visions of the Virgin Mary, inspiring thousands of believers and angering officials of both the Catholic Church and the secularist government, who try to force them to recant their story.
Cast: Stephanie Gil, Sônia Braga, Harvey Keitel
In this powerful and uplifting drama based on historical events, a 10-year-old shepherd and her two younger cousins in Fátima, Portugal, report visions of the Virgin Mary, inspiring thousands of believers and angering officials of both the Catholic Church and the secularist government, who try to force them to recant their story.
Ends 29 Sep 2026
Chi, Eng
Stephanie Gil
Sônia Braga
Harvey Keitel
Marco Pontecorvo