This gripping documentary chronicles the monumental life and tragic death of legendary Brazilian motor-racing champion, Ayrton Senna. Spanning the decade from his arrival in Formula One in the mid 80's, the film follows Senna's struggles both on track and off, depicting a dynamic and complex public figure who could be both spiritual and ruthless, all while becoming a global superstar.
Cast: Ayrton Senna, Reginaldo Leme, John Bisignano
This gripping documentary chronicles the monumental life and tragic death of legendary Brazilian motor-racing champion, Ayrton Senna. Spanning the decade from his arrival in Formula One in the mid 80's, the film follows Senna's struggles both on track and off, depicting a dynamic and complex public figure who could be both spiritual and ruthless, all while becoming a global superstar.
Ends 28 Feb 2025
Chi, Eng
Ayrton Senna
Reginaldo Leme
John Bisignano
Asif Kapadia
Senna Trailer
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