“Face Forward” is a documentary on a new girls unit Kiraboshi from a Japanese female idol group Kamen-joshi. Kamen-joshi has their own theater to make a live performance, and the number of their performances amounts over 1000 per year. However, because of the COVID-19, they lost the place to perform where they can communicate with their fans in person. In this pandemic, how did they overcome their struggle and conflicts? For 5months, the camera captured the road to finally deliver their performance in public for their fans.
Cast: Mao Morisita, Seri Suzumura, Yuri Kinoshita
“Face Forward” is a documentary on a new girls unit Kiraboshi from a Japanese female idol group Kamen-joshi. Kamen-joshi has their own theater to make a live performance, and the number of their performances amounts over 1000 per year. However, because of the COVID-19, they lost the place to perform where they can communicate with their fans in person. In this pandemic, how did they overcome their struggle and conflicts? For 5months, the camera captured the road to finally deliver their performance in public for their fans.
Ends 29 Nov 2025
Can, Jap
Chi, Eng
Mao Morisita
Seri Suzumura
Yuri Kinoshita
Tetsutaro Yaguchi
Face Forward Trailer
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