“The Invincible fighter” is a documentary covering Jackie Chan's rise in the Hong Kong film industry. Included are some of Jackie Chan's greatest moves and stunts, from ten of his classic Hong Kong films including Cub Tiger from Kwantung, Shaolin Wooden Men, Spiritual Kung Fu, and many more. And also includes footage of various Kung Fu styles.
Cast: Jackie Chan, Yuen Siu-tien
“The Invincible fighter” is a documentary covering Jackie Chan's rise in the Hong Kong film industry. Included are some of Jackie Chan's greatest moves and stunts, from ten of his classic Hong Kong films including Cub Tiger from Kwantung, Shaolin Wooden Men, Spiritual Kung Fu, and many more. And also includes footage of various Kung Fu styles.
Can, Man
Chi, Eng
Jackie Chan
Yuen Siu-tien
Law Wai
Recommendations will be available soon.