A documentary filmmaker follows Margot, as she heads to a secluded Amish community in the hopes of meeting and learning about her long-lost mother and extended family. Following a string of strange occurrences and discoveries, she soon realizes this community that welcomed them into their home might be hiding something sinister…
Cast: Emily Bader,Roland Buck III,Dan Lippert,Jaye Ayres-Brown,Tom Nowicki,Jill Andre
A documentary filmmaker follows Margot, as she heads to a secluded Amish community in the hopes of meeting and learning about her long-lost mother and extended family. Following a string of strange occurrences and discoveries, she soon realizes this community that welcomed them into their home might be hiding something sinister…
Chi, Eng
Emily Bader
Roland Buck III
Dan Lippert
Jaye Ayres-Brown
Tom Nowicki
Jill Andre
William Eubank
Recommendations will be available soon.