This documentary is narrated by actor Tsugawa Masahiko, directed by Hidekuni Imazu, a photographer who has worked on poster photos of Asahiyama Zoo, and produced by former head of Asahiyama Zoo, Masao Kosuge. The film engraves the proof of various lives living in the heart of Hokkaido. The immersed scenes, sounds and the animals which were captured, which are like actors, are worth seeing.
Cast: Masahiko Tsugawa
This documentary is narrated by actor Tsugawa Masahiko, directed by Hidekuni Imazu, a photographer who has worked on poster photos of Asahiyama Zoo, and produced by former head of Asahiyama Zoo, Masao Kosuge. The film engraves the proof of various lives living in the heart of Hokkaido. The immersed scenes, sounds and the animals which were captured, which are like actors, are worth seeing.
Ends 30 Dec 2024
Chi, Eng
Masahiko Tsugawa
Hidekuni IMAZU
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