“What is death?” This may be a tough question for a young kid like Sen-Sen (played by WU) whom recently lost his brother. As he inherited his brother’s cell phone, he found out that his brother follows an online webcast named “Surviving over one hundred days.”The star of the webcast is granny Lili (played by PAW), an immigrant cab driver. She is diagnosed with stage four lung cancers, but she’s striving to live longer than she’s allowed. These two will figure out the answer to the previous question together…
Cast: Zhi-Xuan Wu, Nina Paw, Yi-Wen Yen, Hsuan-yen Tsai, Ke-Fang Sun
“What is death?” This may be a tough question for a young kid like Sen-Sen (played by WU) whom recently lost his brother. As he inherited his brother’s cell phone, he found out that his brother follows an online webcast named “Surviving over one hundred days.”The star of the webcast is granny Lili (played by PAW), an immigrant cab driver. She is diagnosed with stage four lung cancers, but she’s striving to live longer than she’s allowed. These two will figure out the answer to the previous question together…
Chi, Eng
Zhi-Xuan Wu
Nina Paw
Yi-Wen Yen
Hsuan-yen Tsai
Ke-Fang Sun
Bon An
Recommendations will be available soon.