Barry B. Benson is a bee disillusioned with his one and only career choice: making honey. As he ventures outside of the hive for the first time, he breaks one of the cardinal rules of the bee world and talks to a human named Vanessa. He is shocked to discover that humans have been stealing and eating bees' honey for centuries, and ultimately realizes that his true calling in life is to set the world right by suing the human race for stealing their precious honey.
Cast: Jerry Seinfeld,Renée Zellweger,Matthew Broderick,Patrick Warburton,John Goodman,Chris Rock
Barry B. Benson is a bee disillusioned with his one and only career choice: making honey. As he ventures outside of the hive for the first time, he breaks one of the cardinal rules of the bee world and talks to a human named Vanessa. He is shocked to discover that humans have been stealing and eating bees' honey for centuries, and ultimately realizes that his true calling in life is to set the world right by suing the human race for stealing their precious honey.
Ends 13 Feb 2025
Chi, Eng
Jerry Seinfeld
Renée Zellweger
Matthew Broderick
Patrick Warburton
John Goodman
Chris Rock
Simon J. Smith
Steve Hickner
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