Reuniting the creative forces behind international hit Shaun of the Dead, this hilarious comedy/mystery tells the tale of Nicholas Angel, a top London cop who finds himself reassigned to a sleepy village. With garden parties and neighborhood watch meetings replacing the action of the city, Nicholas struggles to adapt to his situation and finds himself partnered with an oafish but well-meaning young Constable. Just as all seems lost, a series of grisly accidents motivate them into action. Convinced of foul play, Nicholas realizes that this sleepy hamlet may not be as idyllic as it seems!
Cast: Simon Pegg,Nick Frost,Martin Freeman,Bill Nighy,Robert Popper,Joe Cornish
Reuniting the creative forces behind international hit Shaun of the Dead, this hilarious comedy/mystery tells the tale of Nicholas Angel, a top London cop who finds himself reassigned to a sleepy village. With garden parties and neighborhood watch meetings replacing the action of the city, Nicholas struggles to adapt to his situation and finds himself partnered with an oafish but well-meaning young Constable. Just as all seems lost, a series of grisly accidents motivate them into action. Convinced of foul play, Nicholas realizes that this sleepy hamlet may not be as idyllic as it seems!
Chi, Eng
Simon Pegg
Nick Frost
Martin Freeman
Bill Nighy
Robert Popper
Joe Cornish
Edgar Wright
Recommendations will be available soon.