High school student Yeon-gyu lives in a nightmare, where he needs to endure the physical abuse from his alcoholic stepfather. His only goal is to save enough money and escape from the living hell with his mother. One day, he gets into a fight and receives help from Chi-geon, an enigmatic gangster in the town. While the relationship of the two gradually develops into a brotherhood, Chi-geon is getting deeper in the swamp.
Cast: HONG Xa-bin, SONG Joong-Ki, Kim Hyoung-Seo
High school student Yeon-gyu lives in a nightmare, where he needs to endure the physical abuse from his alcoholic stepfather. His only goal is to save enough money and escape from the living hell with his mother. One day, he gets into a fight and receives help from Chi-geon, an enigmatic gangster in the town. While the relationship of the two gradually develops into a brotherhood, Chi-geon is getting deeper in the swamp.
Ends 30 Sep 2024
Chi, Eng
HONG Xa-bin
SONG Joong-Ki
Kim Hyoung-Seo
KIM Chang-Hoon
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