Mimi Mo, a young exchange student to Japan who met and fell in love with a budding pianist, Kurokawa. Kurokawa eventually leaves to study music in the USA and returns to Japan as a famous musician. Mimi has dealt with her depression by eating and weights over 300lbs and Kurokawa doesn't recognize her. Mimi meets Fatty who helps her lose the weight. But they fall in love.
Cast: Andy Lau, Sammi Cheng, Tian-Lin Wang, Suet Lam, Chi-Ping Chang, Ming Nam Po
Mimi Mo, a young exchange student to Japan who met and fell in love with a budding pianist, Kurokawa. Kurokawa eventually leaves to study music in the USA and returns to Japan as a famous musician. Mimi has dealt with her depression by eating and weights over 300lbs and Kurokawa doesn't recognize her. Mimi meets Fatty who helps her lose the weight. But they fall in love.
Chi, Eng
Andy Lau
Sammi Cheng
Tian-Lin Wang
Suet Lam
Chi-Ping Chang
Ming Nam Po
Johnnie To
Ka-Fai Wai
Recommendations will be available soon.